Research Laboratories and Education & Research Centers

Research Laboratories

Laboratory of Drug Analysis

To protect valuable lives

The main research interest of the Laboratory of Drug Analysis is naturally occurring antioxidants. Reactive oxygen species are considered to have a negative impact on approximately 90% of any disease conditions (excluding infectious diseases caused by pathogens) and also to be involved in aging. Reactive oxygen species and free radicals are toxic to plants as well, causing them to produce various antioxidants such as flavonoids as a defense mechanism. Medicinal plants contain a wide range of antioxidants and in recent years, antioxidants derived from medicinal plants have been used as whitening agents in cosmetics. They are also considered to play a role in the efficacy of kampo (traditional Japanese herbal) medicines. As well as developing new drugs and cosmetics, we are investigating the mechanism of action of kampo medicines by exploring new medicinal plant-derived antioxidants with an ability to scavenge stable radicals. Other research includes physical and chemical modifications of drugs to improve the solubility of poorly soluble drugs or absorption of highly soluble drugs. We aim to use existing drugs more effectively, focusing in particular on oral drugs that have a lower bioavailability.

Laboratory of Public Hygienics

Molecular level research to protect people's health

Public Hygienics is a discipline that comprehensively evaluates and analyzes the factors necessary to prevent disease and promote physical and mental health. It aims to improve and maintain the quality of life (QOL) of people. Our laboratory is conducting research on chemical substances in the environment around us, focusing on "the appropriate use of pharmaceuticals" and "measures to protect against environmental pollutants." Our current research includes the following themes with the keyword "drug-metabolizing enzymes" that evolved in order to protect us from xenobiotics:

  1. Genetic polymorphism and function of drug-metabolizing enzymes
  2. Expression and function of drug-metabolizing enzymes in lifestyle diseases
  3. Development of rapid, highly sensitive and highly accurate toxicity screening methods for environmental pollutants
  4. Unraveling of drug and food interactions and development of predictive systems

We believe that from a scientific point of view, this research will contribute to improving and maintaining the QOL of people living in Japan, where the birthrate is declining and the population is aging rapidly. We are also actively engaged in collaborative research and information exchange with other laboratories within the university as well as other institutions such as universities, university and public hospitals and other national research institutes within Japan.

Laboratory of Nutritional Biochemistry

As indicated by the concept of food as medicine, diet plays a vital role in sustaining life and maintaining good health. Nutritional Biochemistry is a discipline that scientifically investigates food nutrients to understand the impact of an excess or lack of nutrients on the human body. It also clarifies the functions of chemical substances in foods. It is an essential research field for preventive medicine.

In addition to medicine, diet is important in the treatment of diseases.

Dietary therapy, such as diet for those with kidney problems and meals that can help control uric acid levels, is used in the management of many diseases, including lifestyle diseases.

This may appear to be the work of dietitians. Of course, in clinical practice, treatment is provided in cooperation with dietitians, but pharmacists know that the efficacy of some medications varies depending on the diet. There are many interactions between drugs and food; for example, the interaction between Warfarin and natto is well known, but why does this happen? Grapefruit juice and blood pressure drugs are also known to interact. However, only certain types of drugs are affected. Which ones are they? Other interactions include the loss of effectiveness of osteoporosis drugs when taken with calcium. Pharmacists should play a role in diet therapy by utilizing such knowledge.

Information about diet and nutrition is shared between pharmacists and dieticians, and also between pharmacists and clinicians when patients cannot eat or drink and have to rely on intravenous fluids due to illness or surgery. When delivering team-based medical care, it is important not to depend on defined roles, but to share knowledge and expertise with one another. Diet and nutrition is one area that should be shared.

In addition, diet is linked not only to treatment but also prevention of disease. It is becoming increasingly important to acquire knowledge about nutrition, such as diets low in cholesterol and high in zinc, as zinc deficiency causes a loss of taste and skin problems. Such knowledge will help prevent disease and thus reduce medical expenses. The Laboratory of Nutritional Biochemistry is constantly studying medical care, as well as dietary and nutrition therapy.

Laboratory of Medical Microbiology

Searching for new medicines for the treatment and prevention of diseases

We are conducting research and development of drugs that prevent cellular malignant transformation and senescence.

Since topoisomerase and telomerase enzymes are highly expressed in highly proliferating cells, inhibitors of these enzymes can be used as anticancer drugs, and also activators can be used as antiaging or regenerative drugs. By controlling the activities of these enzymes, we aim to develop new types of drugs that have both therapeutic and preventive effects on cancer.

We are also developing RNA interference-based gene therapy drugs that target leukemia cells and nerve cells.

Other research includes mechanistic analysis of drug action by computer simulation using MOE software for the analysis of molecular binding, and investigations on various infectious diseases such as infection with the HIV virus (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) or papillomavirus (cervical cancer) and food poisoning caused by microorganisms (salmonella) that may lead to the development of anticancer, antibacterial and antiviral drugs, as well as diagnostic drugs.

Laboratory of Radiation Science

Does medical radiation exposure affect cell fate??

Imaging inside the body using X-rays, such as CT scans of the body, has significantly progressed and become an indispensable diagnostic technique in medicine. Imaging of lesions using radiopharmaceuticals, called nuclear medicine, is another important method for diagnosing disease. In particular, cancer screening using positron emission CT has become more common in many hospitals. As a result, radiation is now regarded as essential in diagnosis.

On the other hand, it is well known that excessive radiation exposure is not beneficial to the human body, and so radiation is used under strictly controlled conditions in accordance with numerous regulations. Consequently, exposure to high levels of radiation is rare in daily life. In contrast, there are no quantitative restrictions on the radiation exposure from medical practice, because the benefits to patients are considered to outweigh the risks. In fact, undergoing a radiological examination usually does not cause serious clinical disorders. However, it has not been fully elucidated how low-dose asymptomatic exposure to radiation affects the body.

Our laboratory is investigating biological responses to low doses of radiation and developing a system to reduce radiation exposure.

Laboratory of Biochemistry

Understanding the network inside the cell

Cells induce a wide variety of responses to various external stimuli. These are mediated via extensive signal transduction pathways (networks) inside the cell. Detailed analysis allows us to identify the molecular targets of an anticancer drug, to understand the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases, and to clarify the molecular mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation of universal cells (stem cells). Our research aims to contribute to the development of new drugs and advance basic medicine by utilizing molecular biology, molecular cell biology, protein chemistry and immunochemical techniques.

Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Revealing the functions of disease-associated genes to create new genomic medicines

You will learn the techniques used for establishing a drug discovery screening system as well as those for modulating affinity to target proteins and achieving metabolic stabilization for the optimization of candidate compounds. You will also learn cutting-edge techniques used in biochemical (protein) and molecular biological (genetic) research. You will conduct basic research to understand biological phenomena as well as develop a new drug through E. coli-based and in vivo screenings. This experience will enable you to learn about regulations and ethics requirements when conducting clinical trials.

Laboratory of Immunology

Working on the immune system

To protect us from foreign pathogens, our body has a complex biological defense system called the immune system. However, if the immune system becomes dysfunctional and overreacts, it can cause diseases such as autoimmune disorders and allergies. The Laboratory of Immunology is conducting research on the development of immune tissues and organs as well as allergic reactions. In teaching, we give lectures and practicals on immunology and biology.

Laboratory of Environmental Science

Pharmacology research on environmental health and conservation closely linked to our daily lives

In today's world, harmful substances such as agricultural chemicals, PCBs, dioxins, environmental hormones, fluorocarbons, exhaust gases, and hazardous waste pose immense problems for the global environment, the majority of which have yet to be resolved. This field focuses on the academic study of environmental health and conservation, and is one of the pharmaceutical research fields that is closest to daily life.

Special Project

・iPS project management office


iPS Project Management Office
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Yokohama University of Pharmaceutical Pharmacy

This is the website of the Yokohama College of Pharmacy's iPS Project Coordination Office and Hideko Sone Laboratory. Using iPS technology, we will evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medicines for both preventing and treating diseases.

Our mission is to develop methods for disease prevention and treatment by analyzing disease mechanisms using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and embryonic stem (ES) cells.

In our laboratory, we study disease mechanisms and discover new treatments using iPS cells and ES. Our primary research focuses on neurological, immune, and pancreatic diseases caused by exposure to chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, general chemicals,cosmetics, pesticides, and food ingredients. We are also developing methods for differentiating blood cells, nerve cells, and pancreatic cells suitable for chemical evaluations. We aim to contribute to maintaining the health of many people and treating diseases.


Integration of Cell Science and AI
  • Development of a system for predicting toxicity and functional effects using cell science and AI technology
  • Development of Innovative Prediction Methods for Chemical Substance Toxicity Using Causal Discovery by Machine Learning
Mesoderm Differentiation Systems (Blood Cells and Macrophages)
  • Basic Research on Lipid Mediators in Hematopoietic Stem Cells Derived from Human iPS Cells
Development of Neural Differentiation Systems
  • Development of Brain Organoids Suitable for Safety Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals and Food Ingredients
  • Development of drugs and therapy to treat neurodegeneration
Development of Endoderm Differentiation Systems
  • Study on Endoderm Differentiation Induction in Human iPS Cells for therapies of diabetes or pancreatic cancer
Safety of Pharmaceuticals x iPS Cells
  • Effects of Kampo Herbal Medicine Components on Gene Expression of Lipid
  • Research on the Safety Evaluation of Yokukansan in Women's Healthcare
  • Improvement Effects of Kampo on Drug-induced Parkinsonian Symptoms

Figure. The immunostaining images depict the impact of bFGF on organoid differentiation at various stages. Panels a, b, and c show immunostaining images of organoids on days 24, 34, and 50, respectively. In each panel, the left side represents organoids without bFGF exposure, while the right side shows organoids exposed to bFGF. Panel d provides an enlarged view of the upper portion of bFGF-exposed organoids on day 50. The staining includes Hoechst (blue) for nuclear labeling, neuronal markers (green) for neuron identification, and phalloidin-rhodamine (red) for cellular cytoskeleton visualization. These images were captured using Olympus FV10-ASW.


Under constructions



Hideko Sone

Assistant professor:

Kenta Sakai

Researchers/ Postdocs:

Battsetseg Dagjidsuren

Guest Researchers:

Tsunehiko Hongen

Students (PhD course):

Yoshinari Miyazawa

Students (master course):

Ryusei Kusakabe

Students (undergraduate):

Manami Iwamoto

Takumi Okada

Maresuke Segawa

Mimo Hashizume


Masashi Asai (Associate Professor)

Daichi Nagashima (Assistant Professor)

Mami Kikegawa (Assistant Professor)


Original articles

Katsura M, Urade Y, Nansai H, Kobayashi M, Taguchi A, Ishikawa Y, Ito T, Fukunaga H, Tozawa H, Chikaoka Y, Nakaki R, Echigo A, Kohro T, Sone H, Wada Y. Low-dose radiation induces unstable gene expression in developing human iPSC-derived retinal ganglion organoids. Sci Rep. 2023 Aug 9;13(1):12888. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-40051-6. PMID: 37558727; PMCID: PMC10412642.
Otsuka S, Qin XY, Wang W, Ito T, Nansai H, Abe K, Fujibuchi W, Nakao Y, Sone H. iGEM as a human iPS cell-based global epigenetic modulation detection assay provides throughput characterization of chemicals affecting DNA methylation. Sci Rep. 2023 Apr 24;13(1):6663. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-33729-4. PMID: 37095195; PMCID: PMC10125974.
Yamane J, Wada T, Otsuki H, Inomata K, Suzuki M, Hisaki T, Sekine S, Kouzuki H, Kobayashi K, Sone H, Yamashita JK, Osawa M, Saito MK, Fujibuchi W. StemPanTox: A fast and wide-target drug assessment system for tailor-made safety evaluations using personalized iPS cells. iScience. 2022 Jun 6;25(7):104538. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104538. PMID: 35754715; PMCID: PMC9218511.
Wang W, Ito T, Otsuka S, Nansai H, Abe K, Nakao Y, Ohgane J, Yoneda M, Sone H. Epigenetic effects of insecticides on early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Toxicol In Vitro. 2021 Sep;75:105174. doi:10.1016/j.tiv.2021.105174. Epub 2021 Apr 15. PMID: 33865946.
Kikegawa M, Qin XY, Ito T, Nishikawa H, Nansai H, Sone H. Early Transcriptomic Changes upon Thalidomide Exposure Influence the Later Neuronal Development in Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Spheres. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Aug 3;21(15):5564. doi: 10.3390/ijms21155564. PMID: 32756504; PMCID: PMC7432054.
Yamane J, Aburatani S, Imanishi S, Akanuma H, Nagano R, Kato T, Sone H, Ohsako S, Fujibuchi W. Prediction of developmental chemical toxicity based on gene networks of human embryonic stem cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jul 8;44(12):5515-28. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw450. Epub 2016 May 20. Erratum in: Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Feb 20;47(3):1600. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky1285. PMID: 27207879; PMCID: PMC4937330.
Zeng Y, Kurokawa Y, Win-Shwe TT, Zeng Q, Hirano S, Zhang Z, Sone H. Effects of PAMAM dendrimers with various surface functional groups and multiple generations on cytotoxicity and neuronal differentiation using human neural progenitor cells. J Toxicol Sci. 2016;41(3):351-70. doi: 10.2131/jts.41.351. PMID: 27193728.

8: Zeng Y, Kurokawa Y, Zeng Q, Win-Shwe TT, Nansai H, Zhang Z, Sone H. Effects of Polyamidoamine Dendrimers on a 3-D Neurosphere System Using Human Neural Progenitor Cells. Toxicol Sci. 2016 Jul;152(1):128-44. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfw068. Epub 2016 Apr 28. PMID: 27125967.

9: Katsura M, Cyou-Nakamine H, Zen Q, Zen Y, Nansai H, Amagasa S, Kanki Y, Inoue T, Kaneki K, Taguchi A, Kobayashi M, Kaji T, Kodama T, Miyagawa K, Wada Y, Akimitsu N, Sone H. Effects of Chronic Low-Dose Radiation on Human Neural Progenitor Cells. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 22;6:20027. doi: 10.1038/srep20027. PMID: 26795421; PMCID: PMC4726121.

10: Qin XY, Akanuma H, Wei F, Nagano R, Zeng Q, Imanishi S, Ohsako S, Yoshinaga J, Yonemoto J, Tanokura M, Sone H. Effect of low-dose thalidomide on dopaminergic neuronal differentiation of human neural progenitor cells: a combined study of metabolomics and morphological analysis. Neurotoxicology. 2012 Oct;33(5):1375-80. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2012.08.016. Epub 2012 Sep 7. PMID:22981892.

11: Akanuma H, Qin XY, Nagano R, Win-Shwe TT, Imanishi S, Zaha H, Yoshinaga J, Fukuda T, Ohsako S, Sone H. Identification of Stage-Specific Gene Expression Signatures in Response to Retinoic Acid during the Neural Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Front Genet. 2012 Aug 7;3:141. doi:10.3389/fgene.2012.00141. PMID: 22891073; PMCID: PMC3413097.

12: Qin XY, Kojima Y, Mizuno K, Ueoka K, Muroya K, Miyado M, Zaha H, Akanuma H, Zeng Q, Fukuda T, Yoshinaga J, Yonemoto J, Kohri K, Hayashi Y, Fukami M, Ogata T, Sone H. Identification of novel low-dose bisphenol a targets in human foreskin fibroblast cells derived from hypospadias patients. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e36711. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036711. Epub 2012 May 4. PMID: 22574217; PMCID: PMC3344929.

13: He X, Imanishi S, Sone H, Nagano R, Qin XY, Yoshinaga J, Akanuma H, Yamane J, Fujibuchi W, Ohsako S. Effects of methylmercury exposure on neuronal differentiation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells. Toxicol Lett. 2012 Jul 7;212(1):1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2012.04.011. Epub 2012 Apr 23. PMID:22555245.

14: Nagano R, Akanuma H, Qin XY, Imanishi S, Toyoshiba H, Yoshinaga J, Ohsako S, Sone H. Multi-parametric profiling network based on gene expression and phenotype data: a novel approach to developmental neurotoxicity testing. Int J Mol Sci. 2012;13(1):187-207. doi: 10.3390/ijms13010187. Epub 2011 Dec 23. PMID: 22312247; PMCID: PMC3269681.

15: Qin XY, Fukuda T, Yang L, Zaha H, Akanuma H, Zeng Q, Yoshinaga J, Sone H. Effects of bisphenol A exposure on the proliferation and senescence of normal human mammary
epithelial cells. Cancer Biol Ther. 2012 Mar;13(5):296-306. doi:10.4161/cbt.18942. Epub 2012 Mar 1. PMID: 22258036.

16: Qin XY, Wei F, Yoshinaga J, Yonemoto J, Tanokura M, Sone H. siRNA-mediated knockdown of aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 affects hypoxia-inducible factor-1 regulatory signaling and metabolism in human breast cancer cells. FEBS Lett. 2011 Oct 20;585(20):3310-5. doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2011.09.017. Epub 2011 Sep 19. PMID: 21945317.

17: Toyoshiba H, Sone H, Yamanaka T, Parham FM, Irwin RD, Boorman GA, Portier CJ. Gene interaction network analysis suggests differences between high and low doses of acetaminophen. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2006 Sep 15;215(3):306-16. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2006.03.009. Epub 2006 May 15. PMID: 16701773.

18: Yamanaka T, Toyoshiba H, Sone H, Parham FM, Portier CJ. The TAO-Gen algorithm for identifying gene interaction networks with application to SOS repair in E. coli. Environ Health Perspect. 2004 Nov;112(16):1614-21. doi: 10.1289/txg.7105. PMID: 15598612; PMCID: PMC1247658.

19: Toyoshiba H, Yamanaka T, Sone H, Parham FM, Walker NJ, Martinez J, Portier CJ. Gene interaction network suggests dioxin induces a significant linkage between aryl hydrocarbon receptor and retinoic acid receptor beta. Environ Health Perspect. 2004 Aug;112(12):1217-24. doi: 10.1289/txg.7020. PMID: 15345368; PMCID: PMC1277115.

Reviews and textbooks

1: Sone H, Qin XY, Hayamizu K, Fujibuchi W, Nakao Y. Integrative Approaches of Bioassay and Computational Analysis for Discovering Potential Bioactive Compounds and Predictive Toxicity. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2022;68(Supplement):S131-S133. doi: 10.3177/jnsv.68.S131. PMID: 36436995.

2: Nishimura Y, Kanda Y, Sone H, Aoyama H. Oxidative Stress as a Common Key Event in Developmental Neurotoxicity. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2021 Jul 19;2021:6685204. doi: 10.1155/2021/6685204. PMID: 34336113; PMCID: PMC8315852.

3: Street ME, Audouze K, Legler J, Sone H, Palanza P. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Current Understanding, New Testing Strategies and Future Research Needs. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan 19;22(2):933. doi: 10.3390/ijms22020933. PMID:33477789; PMCID: PMC7832404.

4: Smith MT, Guyton KZ, Kleinstreuer N, Borrel A, Cardenas A, Chiu WA, Felsher DW, Gibbons CF, Goodson WH 3rd, Houck KA, Kane AB, La Merrill MA, Lebrec H, Lowe L,McHale CM, Minocherhomji S, Rieswijk L, Sandy MS, Sone H, Wang A, Zhang L, Zeise L, Fielden M. The Key Characteristics of Carcinogens: Relationship to the Hallmarks of Cancer, Relevant Biomarkers, and Assays to Measure Them. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020 Oct;29(10):1887-1903. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-19-1346. Epub 2020 Mar 9. PMID: 32152214; PMCID:PMC7483401.

5: La Merrill MA, Vandenberg LN, Smith MT, Goodson W, Browne P, Patisaul HB, Guyton KZ, Kortenkamp A, Cogliano VJ, Woodruff TJ, Rieswijk L, Sone H, Korach KS, Gore AC, Zeise L, Zoeller RT. Consensus on the key characteristics of endocrine-disrupting chemicals as a basis for hazard identification. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2020 Jan;16(1):45-57. doi: 10.1038/s41574-019-0273-8. Epub 2019 Nov 12. PMID: 31719706; PMCID: PMC6902641.

6: Samet JM, Chiu WA, Cogliano V, Jinot J, Kriebel D, Lunn RM, Beland FA, Bero L, Browne P, Fritschi L, Kanno J, Lachenmeier DW, Lan Q, Lasfargues G, Le Curieux F, Peters S, Shubat P, Sone H, White MC, Williamson J, Yakubovskaya M, Siemiatycki J, White PA, Guyton KZ, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Hall AL, Grosse Y, Bouvard V, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, El Ghissassi F, Lauby-Secretan B, Armstrong B, Saracci R, Zavadil J, Straif K, Wild CP. The IARC Monographs: Updated Procedures for Modern and Transparent Evidence Synthesis in Cancer Hazard Identification. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2020 Jan 1;112(1):30-37. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djz169. PMID:31498409; PMCID: PMC6968684.

7: Takahashi H, Qin XY, Sone H, Fujibuchi W. Stem Cell-Based Methods to Predict Developmental Chemical Toxicity. Methods Mol Biol. 2018;1800:475-483. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-7899-1_21. PMID: 29934906.

8: Goodson WH 3rd, Lowe L, Carpenter DO, Gilbertson M, Manaf Ali A, Lopez de Cerain Salsamendi A, Lasfar A, Carnero A, Azqueta A, Amedei A, Charles AK, Collins AR, Ward A, Salzberg AC, Colacci A, Olsen AK, Berg A, Barclay BJ, Zhou BP, Blanco-Aparicio C, Baglole CJ, Dong C, Mondello C, Hsu CW, Naus CC, Yedjou C, Curran CS, Laird DW, Koch DC, Carlin DJ, Felsher DW, Roy D, Brown DG, Ratovitski E, Ryan EP, Corsini E, Rojas E, Moon EY, Laconi E, Marongiu F, Al-Mulla F, Chiaradonna F, Darroudi F, Martin FL, Van Schooten FJ, Goldberg GS, Wagemaker G, Nangami GN, Calaf GM, Williams G, Wolf GT, Koppen G, Brunborg G, Lyerly HK, Krishnan H, Ab Hamid H, Yasaei H, Sone H, Kondoh H, Salem HK, Hsu HY, Park HH, Koturbash I, Miousse IR, Scovassi AI,... See abstract for full author list. Carcinogenesis. 2015 Jun;36 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S254-96. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgv039. PMID: 26106142

9: Sone H, Okura M, Zaha H, Fujibuchi W, Taniguchi T, Akanuma H, Nagano R, Ohsako S, Yonemoto J. Profiles of Chemical Effects on Cells (pCEC): a toxicogenomics database with a toxicoinformatics system for risk evaluation and toxicity prediction of environmental chemicals. J Toxicol Sci. 2010 Feb;35(1):115-23. doi: 10.2131/jts.35.115. PMID: 20118632.



Email: hideko.sone*

Tel: +81-45-859-1300/ +81-080-5035-9505

Address: Co-Labo Research Building F31, iPS project, Yokohama University of Science 601 Matanocho, Totsuka-ku,
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, 2450066


kenta.sakai* (please change * to @)

We are recruiting graduate students, both domestic and international, who are interested in research in pharmacy, medicine and life sciences. Both Master's and PhD programs are available.

If you are interested, please contact Assistant Professor Dr. Kenta Sakai by email. kenta.sakai* (please change * to @)

For the recruitment of graduate students, please also refer to the following links.

Pharmacognosy/Pharmaceutical Botany Research Laboratory

Pharmacognosy is the study of crude drugs produced from natural sources including kampo medicines as well as those used as home remedies, folk medicines and traditional medicines. It provides a thorough understanding of the plant origins of individual crude drugs and clarifies their biological characteristics, active ingredients and medicinal effects.

Pharmacognosy is the study of crude drugs produced from natural sources including kampo medicines as well as those used as home remedies, folk medicines and traditional medicines. It provides a thorough understanding of the plant materials of individual crude drugs and clarifies their biological characteristics, active ingredients and medicinal effects. It also helps improve techniques for the development of crude drugs including processing, storage, identification and assay methods.

Kampo Medicine Pharmacology Research Laboratory

Pharmacognosy is the study of crude drugs produced from natural sources including kampo medicines as well as those used as home remedies, folk medicines and traditional medicines. It provides a thorough understanding of the plant origins of individual crude drugs and clarifies their biological characteristics, active ingredients and medicinal effects.

Pharmacognosy is the study of crude drugs produced from natural sources including kampo medicines as well as those used as home remedies, folk medicines and traditional medicines. It provides a thorough understanding of the plant materials of individual crude drugs and clarifies their biological characteristics, active ingredients and medicinal effects. It also helps improve techniques for the development of crude drugs including processing, storage, identification and assay methods.

Laboratory of Kampo Natural Product Chemistry

Studying the answer to "How do kampo medicines and medicinal plants work?"

Our laboratory examines the quality of medicinal plants and crude drugs scientifically. In recent years, the demand for kampo products, and those of higher quality, has been increasing. The quality of individual crude drugs contained in kampo medicines varies depending on the variety and species of plants used. Therefore, we are currently systematically analyzing the quality of crude drugs mainly derived from citrus plants and inorganic sources. We are also conducting pharmacological evaluation and studies to elucidate the mechanism of action of crude drugs since their medicinal effects and underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Due to the influence of expanded transportation and global warming, epidemics of infectious diseases that used to be considered specific to the tropics have now been reported in other areas. Traditional medicines in endemic areas are thought to be effective to treat infections based on experience, but sufficient scientific evidence for their effectiveness is lacking. Therefore, we are exploring components in tropical medicinal plants that have inhibitory effects on enzymes or antiparasitic effects, to develop new medicines for the treatment of tropical infectious diseases based on traditional knowledge. In addition, as part of industry-academia-government collaboration projects, we are developing functional products made from the branded citrus fruit "Shonan Gold," which is only grown in the western part of Kanagawa prefecture, to help revitalize the area.

Kampo Pharmaceutics Laboratory

Training pharmacists who can offer appropriate kampo medicines to patients and clinicians

The Kampo Pharmaceutics Laboratory aims to train pharmacists who can offer kampo medicines that are appropriate for each patient. Although it is widely known that kakkonto is a medicine for common colds, few people understand clearly when, how, and by whom it should be taken. They may wonder, "Can it be taken at the beginning of a cold?" That's correct. Next they might ask, "If I catch a cold in the morning, should it be taken in the afternoon?", or "If I caught a cold a week ago, is it no longer effective as the early stage has passed already?" Shouldn't pharmacists be able to answer these basic questions appropriately? It would be helpful if someone could answer them. Our role is to train many pharmacists who have such knowledge. Students in their fifth year, who are conducting their final year project in our laboratory, study kampo medicine intensively, from morning till night, when they do not have practical training. It is not easy, but they are studying very hard to become proficient pharmacists. We would appreciate your encouragement for Yokohama University of Pharmacy students. Pharmacists with expertise in kampo medicine will graduate soon. They look forward to seeing you in the future.

Kampo Medical Treatment Research Laboratory

Aiming to enhance the benefits of treatment with kampo medicines

The benefits of kampo medicines in treatment in modern medicine are increasingly recognized. Kampo medicines can be used for various diseases, and recently, the combination of Western and kampo medicines for cancer treatment has attracted intense interest. There are also increasing opportunities for pharmacists as medication experts to dispense and provide advice on kampo medicines in clinical practice. Our laboratory gathers basic knowledge on treatment with kampo medicines from important classical medical books such as "Shanghan Lun" and "Jin Gui Yao Lue" and then enhances the benefits of treatment with kampo medicines through basic and clinical research as well as literature searches. We aim to produce pharmacists with a strong background in kampo medicines.

Laboratory for the Study of Drug Reactions

Understanding the body's reaction to drugs

Medicines cure diseases in our body. They are not magic powders but are designed to act on the body. The Laboratory for the Study of Drug Reactions clarifies how pharmaceutical and crude drug components react in the body. Based on the results, we design chemical structures that fit the body and combine with organic chemical reactions, creating bioactive substances.

We aim to control chemical reactions in vivo as well as in vitro. Through such research on drug design, we help nurture outstanding individuals who can apply the basic knowledge of medicines to health care practice.

Medicine Analysis Research Laboratory

Nucleic acid-targeted drug discovery: Aiming to develop new medicines based on the structural biology of nucleic acids.

Pharmaceuticals (drugs) ultimately bind to various molecules within the body, having an effect on the body's specific physiological reaction, whether as a main effect or side effect. Previously, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) have been regarded as molecules that convey only genetic information. However, in recent years, nucleic acid molecules with several physiological functions have been discovered, and their unique three-dimensional structure and dynamic changes have led to potential new drug targets. We are investigating interactions between low molecular weight compounds (drugs) and potential drug target nucleic acid molecules, by analyzing three-dimensional static and dynamic structures and chemical properties of nucleic acid molecules, which depend on the base sequence of the molecules, using spectroscopy such as ultraviolet-visible (UV/VIS), circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other analytical instruments including a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM).

Laboratory for Drug Chemistry

Aiming for environmentally-friendly pharmaceutical synthesis: Development of reaction systems that are oriented toward green chemistry

In drug discovery, the development process has conventionally begun with synthesizing and examining various analogues of leading compounds with therapeutic potential. This includes combinatorial chemistry by which a wide variety of compounds are synthesized. In recent years, the search for target molecules for pharmaceuticals has been based on information obtained by bioinformatics, and the development of personalized medicine is also attracting attention.

Medicinal chemistry is a field that provides a foundation for drug discovery, including drug synthesis, characterization, understanding of the mechanism of action, efficacy analysis and toxicity testing.

In recent years, the development of highly efficient reaction systems based on green chemistry is an important challenge from a global environment point of view, as this allows the downsizing of enormous pharmaceutical manufacturing plants and decrease in pollution by reducing by-products.

Synthesizing medicines that are essential to our lives with more environmentally-friendly reaction systems is important to reduce next-generation diseases and protect our precious environment.

Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacotherapeutics

Aiming to produce pharmacists with expertise in pharmacokinetics, who can contribute to society

Drug development requires two processes: drug discovery and clarifying the safety and efficacy of those drugs. Here you will acquire the knowledge and technology to clarify the fate of drugs in vivo and predict and evaluate their safety and efficacy in humans.

Laboratory of Pharmacotherapeutics

Building a rationale for medications and educating pharmacists to provide medications based on appropriate evidence

To provide effective treatment with medication, it is necessary to understand the pathophysiology of the disease and to select suitable drugs based on an appropriate rationale. Higher quality medications can be achieved by individually selecting the dose and type of drug that suits each patient's condition, such as gender, age, nutritional status and interaction (mixing) with concomitant drugs. In pharmacotherapeutics, you will additionally learn methodologies to provide more effective medications from a patient-centered approach, such as how to select drugs in the acute and chronic phases, timing of switching between them and methods to determine the therapeutic effect.

Clinical Pharmacology Research Laboratory

Research to quantitatively predict drug efficacy and side effects that may differ depending on an individual patient's characteristics and drug interactions

When a drug is taken, it enters the digestive tract, where the dissolved drug is absorbed into the blood stream through the membrane of the digestive tract. Then, part of the drug is converted to other forms mainly in the liver, and the remainder reaches the target site through the blood to cure the disease. At the target site, it acts on receptors, enzymes, bacteria invading from outside or neoplasms generated by genetic alterations, and ultimately the drug works, which means that it shows a "medicinal effect." Recently, it has become possible to formulate this series of events mathematically. In other words, we can now predict the medicinal effects using mathematical formulas. Furthermore, the prediction gives a range of variations and probabilities rather than a single value. The Clinical Pharmacology Research Laboratory is conducting research to predict the quantitative changes in drugs and the degree of responses. We are currently focusing on the liver, kidneys, brain and eyes as target sites, and by using cells and animal models, we are attempting to capture changes in bioactive substances in response to drugs and express them in mathematical formulas. In addition, there are individual differences in how patients respond to drugs. Some of these differences can be explained by genotypes. We are looking for biomarkers that can predict a patient's drug responses, for example, common endogenous substances. These studies are carried out in collaboration with researchers from other research institutes, hospitals and companies. We have started to examine whether the formulas and laws we have derived can be reflected in clinical data.

Clinical Pharmaceutics Research Laboratory

Aiming to produce pharmacists who can contribute to clinical practice through pharmaceutical technology research

The Clinical Pharmaceutics Research Laboratory aims to produce pharmacists who can take a more practical approach in clinical practice, such as selecting drugs and deciding dosage and administration routes according to individual disease conditions, based on accumulated knowledge in pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology. In our research we are investigating the challenges encountered in clinical practice and applying our findings. We offer modules including Clinical Pharmaceutics, Physical Pharmaceutics, Prescription Analysis I/II and Pharmaceutics Practicals I/II/III to produce pharmacists who can contribute to patient care. We are conducting research on pharmaceutical technology including "pharmaceutical research on Mohs' paste," "designing nanoparticle drug delivery systems" and "studying drug micronization by biphasic methods," thus producing pharmacists who can engage in formulation design.

Functional Morphology Laboratory

Pathogens are a major cause of diarrhea in children in developing countries. There are very few reported cases of death due to diarrhea in Japan, where hygiene is good and healthcare standards are high. However, globally, millions of children under the age of five die every year from bacterial diarrhea. Effective treatments to overcome this situation are urgently needed. Aeromonas sobria and Aeromonas hydrophila are attracting attention as bacteria that cause diarrhea in international travelers. The hemolytic toxins produced by these bacteria cause diarrhea and destroy red blood cells. We are purifying the hemolytic toxins produced by Aeromonas bacteria and investigating the mechanism of diarrhea induced by them. In addition, it has been reported that the white blood cell count decreases sharply in peripheral blood of leukemia patients who have developed resistance to anti-leukemia agents, when infected by Aeromonas bacteria, thereby leading to remission. Since hemolytic toxins may play a role in the reduction of white blood cell count, we are investigating the underlying mechanisms.

In recent years, many cases of death by stroke and heart attack due to thrombus have been reported. A thrombus is a blood clot, which forms after blood hardens for some reason within a blood vessel. Preventing thrombus formation reduces the number of deaths by stroke and heart attack; one approach is suppressing platelet function. Using rabbit platelets, we are exploring novel plant-derived substances that can suppress platelet aggregation. The structures of numerous substances contained in plants have been identified, but many of their pharmacological effects have not been investigated and remain unknown.

Pathologic Physiology Laboratory

Pathologic physiology is a discipline that investigates the mechanisms of abnormalities of physiological functions that occur during a disease state. It is an interface between basic medicine and clinical medicine.

Knowledge of the pathologic physiology of each disease is essential to understand the theory of medication for those diseases, and pharmacists must acquire basic knowledge such as the relationship between each disease and biological functions, causes, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, symptoms (pathophysiological changes) and test methods. As well as teaching clinical pharmacy related to these requirements, our laboratory is conducting research which includes "understanding the aging mechanisms and development of treatments for age-related diseases," "development of analytical methods for psychotropic drugs in biological samples" in the field of addiction medicine, and "research on pathological analysis" from basic and clinical pharmacy.

We aim to produce outstanding human resources in clinical practice through education and research on medical pharmacy for students in the six-year pharmacy program.

Pharmacology Laboratory

Understanding the body's response to disease and the mechanism of action of medicines

Pharmacology has greatly advanced in line with related areas of science. Today, this field learns how medicines work as chemical substances by understanding the structural organization of the body, from the system and organs to cells and molecules.

Pharmaceutics Laboratory

Pharmaceutics that meet the needs of clinical practice

Today's pharmacists are required to play a wide range of roles such as interacting with each patient in a well-rounded manner and effectively delivering medications using various knowledge and skills. The Pharmaceutics Laboratory provides multidisciplinary education spanning from basic pharmacy fields to clinical and social pharmacy, through modules including Pharmaceutical Technology, Physical Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Affairs Regulations, Pharmaceutics Practicals I/II/III and pre- and post-practical training. We strive to produce pharmacists who can provide the best rational and scientific medical care for patients.

We are also conducting clinical research on issues in hospitals and pharmacies by introducing various methodologies, aiming to produce pharmacists who can play an active role in clinical practice.

Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Technology to manipulate DNA, the substance that transmits genetic information, is now rapidly advancing, and it is anticipated that vital phenomena will be analyzed at the molecular level and applied to healthcare and drug discovery in the near future. This is a field of study that involves gene expression and protein biosynthesis using this new technology.

Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry

Today, as life expectancy increases, it is important to maintain a high quality of life for elderly people. By utilizing state-of-the-art reactors such as flow reactors and automated synthesis platforms, the Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry is designing and synthesizing candidate compounds for new drugs. Our main research topics include the development of a helix mimetic library to explore protein-protein interaction inhibitors and the development of synthetic methods using flow reactors. We are participating in the "2015 Drug Discovery Infrastructure Promotion Research Project (third open call)" and "2017 Drug Discovery Infrastructure Promotion Research Project (first open call)," the program of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). We are also collaborating with Distinguished Emeritus Professor Satoshi Omura at Kitasato University, a Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology or Medicine, to develop a natural product library.

Laboratory of Natural Organic Chemistry

Human beings have utilized compounds produced by animals, plants and microorganisms to treat disease and injury and to improve their health. However, many organic compounds with strong pharmacological activity are not used as medicines because of the limited ability to isolate them from natural sources. Developing methods for effectively synthesizing rare natural organic compounds and creating highly active and low-toxicity labeled compounds by structural modification are very important areas in drug discovery research. This research is further combined with other research fields such as molecular biology, biosynthesis and computational chemistry. This chemical biology has become a global trend.

Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacotherapeutics

Pharmacokinetics is a discipline that clarifies the mechanisms of action, toxicity and kinetics of drugs by thoroughly investigating their absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Our laboratory is conducting research on the mechanisms of drug metabolism and enzymes involved in metabolism, microdose clinical trials, treatment of pancreatic cancer by inhibiting lipid synthesis, induction of apoptosis of cancer cells by ultrasound and sonochemical activation of nanocompounds by ultrasound. In recent years, we have published research in international journals showing that fullerenes and various porphyrins enhance the induction of apoptosis of cancer cells by ultrasound.

Laboratory of Clinical Analysis

When a drug is taken, it enters the digestive tract, where the dissolved drug is absorbed into the blood stream through the membrane of the digestive tract. Then, part of the drug is converted to other forms mainly in the liver, and the remainder reaches the target site through the blood to cure the disease. At the target site, it acts on receptors, enzymes, bacteria invading from outside or neoplasms generated by genetic alterations, and ultimately the drug works, which means that it shows a "medicinal effect." Recently, it has become possible to formulate this series of events mathematically. In other words, we can now predict the medicinal effects using mathematical formulas. Furthermore, the prediction gives a range of variations and probabilities rather than a single value. The Laboratory of Clinical Analysis is conducting research to test quantitative changes in drugs and the degree of response in vitro, in vivo and in silico. Where there are medicines, there are roles waiting for those who learn pharmacy. Why not study at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences to learn more about medicines?

Laboratory of Functional Biology

In addition to pharmaceuticals, you will learn how to explore and understand the beneficial and adverse effects of food and natural products that affect the physiological functions of the human body, using methods applied in basic and clinical medicine as well as information science. You will also learn predictive medicine to prevent diseases, such as genetics, and health sciences related to absorption, metabolism distribution and excretion in the body to improve QOL. Additionally, you will acquire knowledge regarding differences between normal and disease states and also obtain basic knowledge required for postgraduate study (e.g. Master of Medicine and Master of Pharmacy) and jobs in the healthcare industry.

Education & Research Centers

Practical Training Center

The Practical Training Center plans, implements and oversees practical training at hospitals and pharmacies, as part of the final stage in the six-year pharmacy education program. Practical training is an important stepping stone for students to become clinical pharmacists after gaining sufficient knowledge of basic and clinical pharmacy by their fourth year. Through the training, they will learn how chemical knowledge can be applied to clinical settings.

At the Practical Training Center, training contents and methods at hospitals and pharmacies are discussed with pharmacist instructors, so that practical training can be carried out effectively and efficiently. In cooperation with the instructors, we regularly visit institutes that provide training to give guidance to students during their training program. All the staff members at the Practical Training Center have experience in clinical practice, and provide guidance to students based on their own experience.

The Practical Training Center supports the development of the healthcare professionals of the future; we plan and arrange tours of hospitals, pharmacies and research institutes to give new students early insights, and also introduce them to clinical pharmacists to raise awareness of being a healthcare professional from an early stage.

Through Pharmaceutics Practicals I and II, we help produce pharmacists who can contribute to patient care.

We are conducting clinical research including that which can be immediately useful in clinical practice. The Practical Training Center strives to be a bridge between basic and clinical pharmacology.

Teacher Training Center

The Teacher Training Center is located on the 14th floor of the library building on campus. We provide guidance, advice and support to students who wish to become science teachers.

The Center's main function is to offer advice on course selection, practical training guidance, career advice, and teacher recruitment information and process support by staff members who have significant teaching experience. Teaching career guidance is given in cooperation with the Career Center of the university. We provide comprehensive guidance and support in order to produce teachers for society.

Pharmacy Education Center

The Pharmacy Education Center responds to students' various queries and questions about learning, as well as providing advice and guidance on a wide range of student life issues. In addition to experts in various pharmacy areas, we have expert staff in high school education. There is also an on-campus tutoring program where senior students mentor junior students through their studies.

We are proud of our comprehensive support system that meets the needs of individual students.

Medicinal Chemistry Research Center

The mission of the university's six-year pharmacy program is not only to provide pharmacist training but also to create functional molecules, such as pharmaceuticals and analytical reagents and to produce scientists to work on them. The Medicinal Chemistry Research Center hosts the university-wide "Organic Chemistry Study Group" to help students prepare for the national exam, as well as setting up longitudinal collaboration across chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories within the university and creating excellent functional molecules by developing new reactions, ultimately producing scientists.

Since the first year of establishment of the Center, the Organic Chemistry Study Group has met at 3 p.m. every Wednesday. Our research includes the development of antiviral drugs such as anti-influenza, anti-hepatitis B and anti-zika virus drugs, as well as the development of a simpler method of synthesizing EFdA using the new aldol reaction developed at the university. EFdA designed and synthesized by the director of the Center is currently in clinical trials by Merck U.S.A. and we anticipate it to be a very effective anti-HIV (AIDS) drug.

Drug Discovery Research Center

The medicinal chemistry field consists of synthetic research and new technology (reactions and reaction devices) development to explore the efficacy of new compounds. The Drug Discovery Research Center aims to develop scientists who can play an active role in graduate schools and companies through the university's drug discovery research.

We have automated synthesis platforms, flow reaction devices and parallel synthesis and column purification devices that are useful in combinatorial chemistry, a new drug discovery technology, as well as other synthesis devices required for the university's drug discovery. Students can gain experience of the latest drug discovery research during their studies. We also organize regular research meetings and subscribe to various journals to support final year research projects. We actively collaborate and network with companies and other universities, as well as providing education compatible with postgraduate studies and international universities.

These include, for example, (1) regular workshops to prepare for postgraduate study and studying abroad and (2) planning and applying for external funding (e.g. Drug Discovery Robot Contest, electronic notebooks and child care support) through matching, to support final year research projects. The Drug Discovery Research Center is engaged in research and personal development that meet the needs of society.

Health & Medical Research Center

In order to scientifically prove the concept of "drugs and food both come from the same source," we conduct basic medical research and clinical studies, developing pharmacists and new healthcare professionals (e.g. pharma supplement advisors, women's pharma consultants) who can understand interactions between functional foods and medicines.

We are investigating the pharmacological and functional physiological effects of various foods and drinks which have nutrient function claims or are used traditionally to maintain health and prevent diseases (e.g. mushrooms, tea catechins, black ginger, Nuru-Neba (slimy and sticky) foods, natural vanadium-containing water). We also clarify their underlying mechanisms using molecular and analytical chemical techniques.

We will then understand their interactions with drugs scientifically and clinically, and develop safe and effective applications as complementary medicine. We teach not only medicines but also "food," an essential component, to help develop pharmacologists and pharmacists who have "sokuin no kokoro," or the ability to understand the suffering of others, and are kind. Our cafeteria offers healthy Nuru-Neba foods.

Kampo & Wakan-Yaku Medicine Research Center

In recent years, kampo medicines have gained popularity, making them more widespread and common medicines. However, they often seem to be used casually based on the name of a disease or symptoms rather than any evidence. Kampo medicines are fully effective only when administered according to their theory. Prescription based on the name of a disease or symptoms is not regarded as a kampo treatment.

The Kampo & Wakan-Yaku Medicine Research Center aims to investigate whether kampo and wakan-yaku medicines are properly applied in modern medicine according to the true kampo theory, to establish a solid foundation for the practice of kampo and to educate people.