曽根 秀子
Sone Hideko
1. Kikegawa M, Qin XY, Ito T, Nishikawa H, Nansai H, Sone H. Early Transcriptomic Changes upon Thalidomide Exposure Influence the Later Neuronal Development in Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Spheres. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Aug 3;21(15):5564.
2. Sone H, Ito T, Tin Tin Win-Shwe, Miki M, Fujitani Y, Nakajima D. Hazard evaluation of air pollution by using the key characteristics approach. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020. Published on 28 Apr 202.
3. Smith MT, Guyton KZ, Kleinstreuer N, Borrel A, Cardenas A, Chiu WA, Felsher DW, Gibbons CF, Goodson WH, Houck KA, Kane A, La Merrill MA, Lebrec H, Lowe L, McHale CM, Minocherhomji S, Rieswijk L, Sandy MS, Sone H, Wang A, Zhang L, Zeise L, Fielden M. The Key Characteristics of Carcinogens: Relationship to the Hallmarks of Cancer, Relevant Biomarkers, and Assays to Measure Them. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020 Mar 9:cebp.1346.2019.
4. Samet JM, Chiu WA, Cogliano V, Jinot J, Kriebel D, Lunn RM, Beland FA, Bero L, Browne P, Fritschi L, Kanno J, Lachenmeier DW, Lan Q, Lasfargues G, Le Curieux F, Peters S, Shubat P, Sone H, White MC, Williamson J, Yakubovskaya M, Siemiatycki J, White PA, Guyton KZ, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Hall AL, Grosse Y, Bouvard V, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, El Ghissassi F, Lauby-Secretan B, Armstrong B, Saracci R, Zavadil J, Straif K, Wild CP. The IARC Monographs: Updated Procedures for Modern and Transparent Evidence Synthesis in Cancer Hazard Identification. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2020 Jan 1;112(1):30-37.
5. La Merrill MA, Vandenberg LN, Smith MT, Goodson W, Browne P, Patisaul HB, Guyton KZ, Kortenkamp A, Cogliano VJ, Woodruff TJ, Rieswijk L, Sone H, Korach KS, Gore AC, Zeise L, Zoeller RT. Consensus on the key characteristics of endocrine-disrupting chemicals as a basis for hazard identification. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2020 Jan;16(1):45-57.
6. Wang W, Tada M, Nakajima D, Sakai M, Yoneda M, Sone H. Multiparameter Phenotypic Profiling in MCF-7 Cells for Assessing the Toxicity and Estrogenic Activity of Whole Environmental Water. Environ Sci Technol. 2018 Aug 3.
7. Takahashi H, Qin XY, Sone H, Fujibuchi W. Stem Cell-Based Methods to Predict Developmental Chemical Toxicity. Methods Mol Biol. 2018; 1800:475-483.
8. Qin XY, Hara M, Arner E, Kawaguchi Y, Inoue I, Tatsukawa H, Furutani Y, Nagatsuma K, Matsuura T, Wei F, Kikuchi J, Sone H, Daub C, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Itoh M, Suzuki H, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y; FANTOM consortium, Kokudo N, Forrest ARR, Kojima S. Transcriptome Analysis Uncovers a Growth-Promoting Activity of Orosomucoid-1 on Hepatocytes. EBioMedicine. 2017, 24:257-266.
9. Kurokawa Y, Sone H, Win-Shwe TT, Zeng Y, Kimura H, Koyama Y, Yagi Y, Matsui Y, Yamazaki M, Hirano S. Aggregation is a critical cause of poor transfer into the brain tissue of intravenously administered cationic PAMAM dendrimer nanoparticles. Int J Nanomedicine. 2017, 12:3967-3975.
10. Bekki K, Ito T, Yoshida Y, He C, Arashidani K, He M, Sun G, Zeng Y, Sone H, Kunugita N, Ichinose T. PM2.5 collected in China causes inflammatory and oxidative stress responses in macrophages through the multiple pathways. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2016 Jul;45:362-9.
11. Yamane J, Aburatani S, Imanishi S, Akanuma H, Nagano R, Kato T, Sone H, Ohsako S, Fujibuchi W. Prediction of developmental chemical toxicity based on gene networks of human embryonic stem cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jul 8;44(12):5515-28.
12. Zeng Y, Kurokawa Y, Win-Shwe TT, Zeng Q, Hirano S, Zhang Z, Sone H. Effects of PAMAM dendrimers with various surface functional groups and multiple generations on cytotoxicity and neuronal differentiation using human neural progenitor cells. J Toxicol Sci. 2016;41(3):351-70. doi: 10.2131/jts.41.351. PubMed PMID: 27193728.
13. Zeng Y, Kurokawa Y, Zeng Q, Win-Shwe TT, Nansai H, Zhang Z, Sone H. Effects of Polyamidoamine Dendrimers on a 3-D Neurosphere System Using Human Neural Progenitor Cells. Toxicol Sci. 2016 52(1):128-44.
14. Katsura M, Cyou-Nakamine H, Zen Q, Zen Y, Nansai H, Amagasa S, Kanki Y, Inoue T, Kaneki K, Taguchi A, Kobayashi M, Kaji T, Kodama T, Miyagawa K, Wada Y, Akimitsu N, Sone H. Effects of Chronic Low-Dose Radiation on Human Neural Progenitor Cells. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 22;6:20027.
15. Zeng Y, Wang Y, Zeng Q, Nansai H, Zhang ZY, and Sone H. Optimization of neurosphere assays using human neuronal progenitor cells for developmental neurotoxicity testing. Am J Tissue Eng Stem Cell. 2015: 2, 7–18. Win-Shwe TT, Sone H, Kurokawa Y, Zeng Y, Zeng Q, Nitta H, Hirano S. Effects of PAMAM dendrimers in the mouse brain after a single intranasal instillation. Toxicol Lett. 2014 228(3):207-15.
16. Kawano M, Qin XY, Yoshida M, Fukuda T, Nansai H, Hayashi Y, Nakajima T, Sone H. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α mediates di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate transgenerational repression of ovarian Esr1 expression in female mice. Toxicol Lett. 2014 228(3):235-40.
17. Fukuda T, Katayama M, Kinoshita K, Kasugai T, Okamoto H, Kobayashi K, Kurita M, Soichi M, Donai K, Uchida T, Onuma M, Sone H, Isogai E, Inoue-Murayama M. Primary fibroblast cultures and karyotype analysis for the olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2013 Dec 6.
18. Imanishi S, Okura M, Zaha H, Yamamoto T, Akanuma H, Nagano R, Shiraishi H, Fujimaki H, Sone H. Prenatal exposure to permethrin influences vascular development of fetal brain and adult behavior in mice offspring. Environ Toxicol. 2013 Nov;28(11):617-29.
19. Donai K, Kuroda K, Guo Y, So KH, Sone H, Kobayashi M, Nishimori K, Fukuda T. Establishment of a reporter system to monitor silencing status in induced pluripotent stem cell lines. Anal Biochem. 2013 Dec 1;443(1):104-12.
20. Katayama M, Donai K, Sakakibara H, Ohtomo Y, Miyagawa M, Kuroda K, Kodama H, Suzuki K, Kasai N, Nishimori K, Uchida T, Watanabe K, Aso H, Isogai E, Sone H, Fukuda T. Coffee consumption delays the hepatitis and suppresses the inflammation related gene expression in the Long-Evans Cinnamon rat. Clin Nutr. 2013 May 17.pii: S0261-5614(13)00145-3.
21. Win-Shwe TT, Fujitani Y, Sone H, Furuyama A, Nitta H, Hirano S. Effects of acute single intranasal instillation of secondary organic aerosol on neurological and immunological biomarkers in the brain and lung of BALB/c mice. J Toxicol Sci. 2013 Feb;38(1):71-82.
22. Qin XY, Sone H, Kojima Y, Mizuno K, Ueoka K, Muroya K, Miyado M, Hisada A, Zaha H, Fukuda T, Yoshinaga J, Yonemoto J, Kohri K, Hayashi Y, Fukami M, Ogata T. Individual variation of the genetic response to bisphenol a in human foreskin fibroblast cells derived from cryptorchidism and hypospadias patients. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52756.
23. Fukuda T, Kurita J, Saito T, Yuasa K, Kurita M, Donai K, Nitto H, Soichi M, Nishimori K, Uchida T, Isogai E, Onuma M, Sone H, Oseko N, Inoue-Murayama M. Efficient establishment of primary fibroblast cultures from the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2012 Dec;48(10):660-5.
24. Akanuma H, Qin XY, Nagano R, Win-Shwe TT, Imanishi S, Zaha H, Yoshinaga J, Fukuda T, Ohsako S, Sone H. Identification of Stage-Specific Gene Expression Signatures in Response to Retinoic Acid during the Neural Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Front Genet. 2012;3:141:1-12.
25. Qin XY, Kojima Y, Mizuno K, Ueoka K, Massart F, Spinelli C, Zaha H, Okura M, Yoshinaga J, Yonemoto J, Kohri K, Hayashi Y, Ogata T, Sone H. Association of variants in genes involved in environmental chemical metabolism and risk of cryptorchidism and hypospadias. J Hum Genet. 2012 Jul;57(7):434-41.
26. Qin XY, Kojima Y, Mizuno K, Ueoka K, Muroya K, Miyado M, Zaha H, Akanuma H, Zeng Q, Fukuda T, Yoshinaga J, Yonemoto J, Kohri K, Hayashi Y, Fukami M, Ogata T, Sone H. Identification of novel low-dose bisphenol a targets in human foreskin fibroblast cells derived from hypospadias patients. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e36711.
27. He X, Imanishi S, Sone H, Nagano R, Qin XY, Yoshinaga J, Akanuma H, Yamane J, Fujibuchi W, Ohsako S. Effects of methylmercury exposure on neuronal differentiation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells. Toxicol Lett. 2012 Jul 7;212(1):1-10.
28. Qin XY, Fukuda T, Yang L, Zaha H, Akanuma H, Zeng Q, Yoshinaga J, Sone H. Effects of bisphenol A exposure on the proliferation and senescence of normal human mammary epithelial cells. Cancer Biol Ther. 2012 Mar;13(5):296-306.
29. Nagano R., Akanuma H., Qin X.Y., Imanishi S., Toyoshiba H., Yoshinaga .J, Ohsako S., Sone H. (2011) Multi-Parametric Profiling Network Based on Gene Expression and Phenotype Data: A Novel Approach to Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing. Int J Mol Sci 2;13(1):187-207.
30. Qin X.Y., Wei FF, Yoshinaga ., Yonemoto J, Tanokuru M., Sone H. (2011) siRNA-mediated knockdown of aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 affects hypoxia-inducible factor-1 regulatory signaling and metabolism in human breast cancer cells. FEBS Lett 585(20):3310-3315.
31. Qin X.Y., Zaha H., Nagano R., Yoshinaga J., Yonemoto J., Sone H. (2011) Xenoestrogens down-regulate aryl-hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 mRNA expression in human breast cancer cells via an estrogen receptor alpha-dependent mechanism. Toxicol Lett 206 (2): 152-157.
32. Mitsuhashi T, Yonemoto J, Sone H, Kosuge Y, Kosaki K, Takahashi T. (2010) In utero exposure to dioxin causes neocortical dysgenesis through the actions of p27Kip1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(37):16331-5.
33. Sone H, Okura M, Zaha H, Fujibuchi W, Taniguchi T, Akanuma H, Nagano R, Ohsako S, Yonemoto J. (2010) Profiles of Chemical Effects on Cells (pCEC): a toxicogenomics database with a toxicoinformatics system for risk evaluation and toxicity prediction of environmental chemicals. J Toxicol Sci. 35(1):115-23.
34. Ohsako S, Fukuzawa N, Ishimura R, Kawakami T, Wu Q, Nagano R, Zaha H, Sone H, Yonemoto J, Tohyama C. (2010) Comparative contribution of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor gene to perinatal stage development and dioxin-induced toxicity between the urogenital complex and testis in the mouse. Biol Reprod. 82(3):636-43.