山田 博章
Yamada Hiroaki
岐阜薬科大学 薬学研究科 修士課程修了(薬理学専攻)
1. Evaluation of Factors Influencing Addition of Clinically Significant Adverse Reactions Section in Drug Package Inserts. Y. Suzuki, T. Kishi, M. Nakamura and H. Yamada, Jpn. J. Drug. Inform, 19,17-23 (2017)
2. Significant Differences in Drug Lag in Clinical Development Among Various Strategies Used for Regulatory Submissions in Japan. T. Ueno, Y. Asahina, A. Tanaka, H. Yamada, M.Nakamura and Y. Uyama, Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 95, 533-541 (2014)
3. 厚生労働科学研究費(医薬品・医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス総合研究事業)『医薬品製造開発・承認審査の確実かつ効率的なプロセス構築に関する研究』山田 博章 (分担研究者) 平成18年度~平成20年度「CTD様式の製造方法申請資料に対する審査の実態に関する研究」
4. Selectivity and Potency of Agonists for the Three Subtypes of Cloned Human -Adrenoceptors Expressed in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells. T. Yanagisawa, T. Sato, H. Yamada, J. Sukegawa and K. Nunoki, Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 192, 181-193 (2000)
5. The different effect of nicorandil on the large arteries (conductive vessels) and the small arteries (resistive vessels) in the dogs. K. Satoh, K. Orito, H. Yamada, N. Taira, J. Imagawa, M. Akima and H. Nabata, Ther. Res., 14, 767-774 (1993)
6. Nicorandil as a nitrate, and cromakalim as a potassium channel opener, dilate isolated porcine large coronary arteries in an agonist-nonselective manner. K. Satoh, T. Mori, H. Yamada and N. Taira, Cardiovasc. Drug Ther., 7, 691-699 (1993)
7. Effects of semotiadil (SD-3211), a benzothiazine calcium antagonist, on blood pressure and atrioventricular conductivity in anesthetized dogs. M. Kageyama, H. Yamada, K. Satoh and N. Taira, Japan. J. Pharmacol., 59, 177-182 (1992)
8. The group at C2 of N-ethylnicotinamide determines the vasodilator potencies and mechanisms of action of nicorandil and its congeners in canine coronary arteries. K. Satoh, H. Yamada, F. Yoneyama and N. Taira, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol., 344, 589-595 (1991)
9. Cardiohemodynamic effect of FK409, a novel highly potent nitrovasodilator, in anesthetized dogs. H. Yamada, F. Yoneyama, K. Satoh and N. Taira, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 205, 81-83 (1991)
10. Comparison of the effects of the novel vasodilator FK409 with those of nitroglycerin in isolated coronary artery of the dog. H. Yamada, F. Yoneyama, K. Satoh and N. Taira, Br. J. Pharmacol., 103, 1713-1718 (1991)
11. Differential antagonism by glibenclamide of the relaxant effects of cromakalim, pinacidil and nicorandil on canine large coronary arteries. K. Satoh, H. Yamada and N. Taira, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol., 343, 76-82 (1991)
12. Cardiac versus coronary dilator effects of SD-3211, a new nondihydropyridine calcium antagonist, in isolated, blood-perfused dog hearts. F. Yoneyama, H. Yamada, K. Satoh and N. Taira, Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther., 4, 1469-1476 (1990)
13. Specific but differential antagonism by glibenclamide of the vasodepressor effects of cromakalim and nicorandil on spinally-anaesthetized dogs. H. Yamada, F. Yoneyama, K. Satoh and N. Taira, Br. J. Pharmacol., 100, 413-416 (1990)
14. Pathological studies on nephrotoxic serum nephritis accelerated with rabbit--globulin in mice.
15. T. Nose, K. Tsurumi, K. Kawada, H. Nagai, H. Yamada, I. Yakuo, A. Ojima and A. Koda, Inflammation, 13, 401-414 (1989)
16. Liver injury model in mice for immunopharmacological study. H. Nagai, I. Yakuo, H. Yamada, T. Shimazawa, A. Koda, K. Niu, K. Asano, T. Shimizu and M. Kasahara, Japan. J. Pharmacol., 46, 247-254 (1988)
17. Effect of cinnarizine on IgE antibody-mediated experimental allergic reactions in guinea pigs. H. Nagai, H. Yamada, I. Yakuo, S. H. Choi, A. Koda and M. Daikoku, Allergy, 42, 135-140 (1987)
18. Pharmacological studies on the release of slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis during anti-immunoglobulin E antibody mediated passive peritoneal anaphylaxis in rats. H. Nagai, H. Yamada, N. Matsuura, T. Iwamoto, S. H. Choi and A. Koda, J. Pharmacobio-Dyn., 10, 49-54 (1987)
19. Immunological liver injury model in mice. H. Nagai, H. Yamada, I. Yakuo, A. Koda, K. Niu, K. Asano, M. Kato and M. Kurono, Japan. J. Inflammation, 6, 361-365 (1986)
20. Effect of cinnarizine on IgE antibody mediated allergic reaction in mice and rats. H. Nagai, I. Yakuo, H. Yamada, N. Inagaki, S. Goto and A. Koda, J. Pharmacobio-Dyn., 9, 923-927 (1986)
21. The effect of 6-amidino-2-naphtyl-guanidinobenzoate dimethane sulfonate (FUT-175) on IgE antibody mediated allergic reactions in experimental animals. H. Nagai, H. Yamada, T. Takizawa, T. Iwamoto, N. Inagaki and A. Koda, Japan. J. Allegology, 34, 962-966 (1985)
22. The susceptibility of experimental glomerulonephritis in six different strains of mice. H. Nagai, H. Yamada, T. Nishigaki, M. Nakazawa and A. Koda, J. Pharmacobio-Dyn., 8, 586-589 (1985)
23. Reduction of antigen-induced contraction of sensitized guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle in vitro by calmodulin inhibitors. H. Nagai, H. Yamada, S. Goto, N. Inagaki and A. Koda, Int. Archs. Allergy. Appl. Immun., 76, 251-255 (1985)
24. The effect of 6-amidino-2-naphtyl-4-guanidinobenzoate dimethane sulfonate (FUT-175) on experimental glomerulonephritis in mice. H. Nagai, H. Yamada, N. Matsuura, N. Inagaki, T. Shimazawa and A. Koda, Japan. J. Pharmacol., 35, 55-60 (1984)
25. Experimental model for glomerulonephritis n mice. H. Yamada, H. Nagai, M. Mihara and A. Koda, Japan. J. Inflammation., 4, 560-562 (1984)
●「医薬品評価概説-有用な医薬品評価のための-」 4-6章(薬理の項) 内山充・豊島聰監修、東京化学同人、2009年
●「新医薬品承認申請において必要とされる薬理学の役割」西村多美子、豊島聰、宇山佳明、山田博章、細木るみこ、藤森観之助、長尾拓 日本薬理学雑誌 120, 187-194 (2002)