
李 宜融 リー・イユウ
Lee IJung



















1. Consumption of carotenoid-rich Momordica cochinchinensis (Gac) aril improves glycemic control in type 2 diabetic mice partially through Taste receptor type 1 mediated glucagon-like peptide 1 secretion. YY Hsieh, WC Hou, MC M Shih, YC Shen, YF Chen, KS O Lee, CC Wu, IJ Lee, JJ Cheng, CC Liaw, YC Hou, HK Liu. Food Funct. 15, 11415-11431. (2024) (SCI)

2. Identification of the perpetrator imperatorin in Xin-yi-san-theophylline interaction: observed and predicted herb-drug interaction. HJ Wang, AC Chen, HC Cheng, HY Chen, LT Kao, CK Lu, IJ Lee, YF Ueng. J Pharm Pharmacol. 75, 1225-1236. (2023) (SCI)

3. Oral ellagic acid attenuated LPS-induced neuroinflammation in rat brain: MEK1 interaction and M2 microglial polarization. YL Liu , HJ Huang, SY Sheu, YC Liu, IJ Lee, SC Chiang, Anya MY Lin. Exp Biol Med. 248(7):656-664. (2023) (SCI)

4. SRT1720 as an SIRT1 activator for alleviating paraquat-induced models of Parkinson’s disease. CC Chao, CL Huang, JJ Cheng, CT Chiou, IJ Lee, YC Yang, TH Hsu, CE Yei, PY Lin, JJ Chen, NK Huang. Redox Biol. Vol. 58, Dec. (2022) (SCI)

5. Analytical Methodology of Ginsenosides: Their Health Benefits, Anticancer and Antidementia Activities: A Review. CZ Wang, S Anderson, T Ohta, T Uto, IJ Lee, H Tanaka, TN Huu, CS Yuan and Y Shoyama. Advances in Health and Disease. Vol 63. P.71-110. (2022)

6. Study on aristolochic acid nephropathy and survey of target protein by monoclonal antibody. D Wang, XW Li, X Wang, IJ Lee, T Ohta, T Uto, S Yokota, S Cai, Y Shoyama. Antibodies antibodies.1765641. (2022)

7. SRT1720 as an SIRT1 activator for alleviating paraquat-induced models of Parkinson’s disease. CC Chao, CL Huang, JJ Cheng, CT Chiou, IJ Lee, YC Yang, TH Hsu, CE Yei, PY Lin, JJ Chen, NK Huang. Redox Biology Vol. 58, Dec. (2022) (SCI)

8. Analytical Methodology of Ginsenosides: Their Health Benefits, Anticancer and Antidementia Activities: A Review. CZ Wang, S Anderson, T Ohta, T Uto, IJ Lee, H Tanaka, TN Huu, CS Yuan and Y Shoyama. Advances in Health and Disease. Vol 63. P.71-110, 2022.

9. Dendrobium nobile protects retinal cells from UV-induced oxidative stress damage via Nrf2/HO-1 and MAPK pathways. WH Hsu, CP Chung, YH Kuo, CH Yeh, IJ Lee, YL Lin. J Ethnopharmacol. 288; 114886. (2022) (SCI)

10. Dietary supplementation of rutin and rutin-rich buckwheat elevates endogenous glucagon-like peptide 1 levels to facilitate glycemic control in type 2 diabetic mice. LC Lee, YC Hou, YY Hsieh, YH Chen, YC Sheng, IJ Lee, MC Monica Shih, WC Hou, HK Liu. J Funct Foods. 85; 104653. (2021) (SCI)

11. Effects of Shengmai San on key enzymes involved in hepatic and intestinal drug. YF Ueng, TY Chiang, HJ Wang, YC Wang, CH Tan, IJ Lee, CH Yun. J Ethnopharmacolo. 271; 113914. (2021) (SCI)

12. Huang Lian Jie Du Tang as a Multi-Herbal Complementary Therapy for Parkinson’s disease: an In Vitro Study from Paraquat-Induced Cell Death in Human SH-SY5Y Cells. NK Huang, IJ Lee, JJ Cheng, CL Huang, CT Chiou, YJ Shiao, HK Liu, HT Huang, YH Kuo, YC Yang. Biomed Pharmacother. 134; 111170. (2021) (SCI)

13. Lactic Acid Bacteria and Lactic Acid for Skin Health and to Inhibit Melanogenesis. HC Huang, IJ Lee, C Huang and TM Chang. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. doi:10.2174/. (2020) (SCI)

14. 『傷寒論』の薬ヒ(方寸匕・銭匕)の量値。笛木 司,松岡尚則,李 宜融,牧野利明,猪飼祥夫。漢方の臨床、第66巻第10号p.945~953. 2020

15. Chemical constituents of the plant Antidesma ghaesmbilla. R L. Gonzales, CC Shen, IJ Lee, MJ Don, C Y. Ragasa, Chem Nat Compd. vol.55, No.2,382-385. (2019) (SCI)

16. Giseng-plus-Bai-Hu-Tang ameliorates diet-induced obesity, hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice. HF Lu, YH Lai, HC Huang, IJ Lee, LC Lin, HK Liu, HH Tien and C Huang. J Ginseng Res. S1226-8453(18)30128-3. (2018) (SCI)

17. Purification, structural elucidation, and anti-inflammatory activity of xylosyl galactofucan from Armillariella mellea. CC Chang, JJ Cheng, IJ Lee, MK Lu. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 114; 584-591. (2018) (SCI)

18. Berberine activates aryl hydrocarbon receptor but suppress CYP1A1 induction through miR-21-3p stimulation in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. SN Lo, CW Wang, YS Chen, TS Wu, LA Li, IJ Lee, YF Ueng. Molecules. 22, 1847; doi: 10.3390 (2017) (SCI)

19. Morphological and chemical analyses of Eriocauli Flos sold in Taiwan markets. IJ Lee, CP Chung, SJ Chang, YL Lin. J Food Drug Anal. 25; 939-945. (2017) (SCI)

20. Muraoka O. Quantitative Determination of Alkaloids in Lotus Flower (Flower Buds of Nelumbo nucifera) and Their Melanogenesis Inhibitory Activity. Morikawa T, Kitagawa N, Tanabe G, Ninomiya K, Okugawa S, Motai C, Kamei I, Yoshikawa M, Lee IJ. Molecules. 21(7), 930; doi: 10.3390. (2016) (SCI)

21. Flavone glycosides from commercially available Lophatheri Herba and their chromatographic fingerprinting and quantitation. JS Fan, IJ Lee, YL Lin. J Food Drug Anal. 23, 821-827. (2015) (SCI)

22. Bai-Hu-Jia-Ren-Shen-Tang decoction reduces fatty liver by activating AMP-activated protein kinase in vitro and in viro. HK Liu, TM Hung, HC Huang, IJ Lee, CC Chang, JJ Cheng, LC Lin, and C Huang. Evid. doi:
10.1155/2015/651734 (2015) (SCI)

23. Effects of aqueous extract of Ruta graveolens and its ingredients on cytochrome P450, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, and Q1 NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase in mice. YF Ueng, CC Chen, YL Huang, IJ Lee, CH Yun, YH Chen, CC Huang. J Food Drug Anal. 23, 516-528. (2015) (SCI)

24. The Weights in Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu (Dun Huang Version) and the Volume of a Fang Cun Bi (One Cun Square Spoon): Weights and Measures in the Period when the Shan Han Lun was Written. T Fueki, T Matsuoka, T Makino, T Namiki, M Beppu, H Yamaguchi, H Nakata, K Rai, K Hagihara, K Tanaka, K Nagasaka, T Sunaga, IJ Lee, K Okada, Y Iwai, K Makizum.; Kampo Medicine. Vol.65 No.1, 38-45. (2014)

25. Glycyrrhetinic acid suppressed NF-#B activation in TNF-#-induced hepatocytes. HJ Chen, SP Kang, IJ Lee, and YL Lin. J. Agric. Food Chem. 62 (3), 618–625 (2014) (SCI)

26. Scutellariae radix suppresses LPS-induced liver endothelial cell activation and inhibits hepatic stellate cell migration. Chen HJ, Liang TM, Lee IJ, Huang YT, Lin YL.; J Ethnopharmacol. Vol.150. 835-842. (2013) (SCI)

27. Quantitative analysis of catechin, flavonoid, and saponin constituents in “tea flower”, the flower buds of Camellia sinensis, from different regions in Taiwan. T Morikawa, IJ Lee, S Okaugawa, S Miyake, M Yoshinobu, K Ninomiya, K Iwasa, N Kitagawa, M Yoshikawa and O Muraoka. Nat Prod Commun. Vol.8, No.11, 1553-1557. (2013) (SCI)

28. The Effects of the Edible Rhubarb Extracts on Rat-Gonarthrosis. T Wang, K Komai, T Shibamoto, M Iinuma, Y Kokusenya, M Morimoto, IJ Lee, S Harima and N Fujiki. Journal of New Remedies & Clinics, Vol.62, No.4. 267-273. (2013)

29. Investigation of Two Species of (Aatragalus membranaceus and Hedysarum polybotrys) by HPLC, ITS, Microscopic Morphology and Antioxidant Activities. IJ Lee, PC Huang, LJ Zhang, CC Liaw, MR Lin, CJ Yu, CI Huang and YHaur Kuo. J Food Drug Anal. Vol. 20, No. 3, 603-610. (2012) (SCI)


●2023年Proposal of oriental ingredients for sweat in psychosomatic disorders, 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023, ポスターコンクール賞 (Mar.2023, Taipei.)

●2023年History of the Plague-World shudder at the horrors of the infection disease, 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023, ポスターコンクール賞 (Mar.2023, Taipei.)

●2023年Comparison of Abortion in Edo and Modern times~ Then and now of “unintended pregnancy”, 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023, ポスターコンクール賞 (Mar.2023, Taipei.)

●2023年The importance of frankincense from history~Comparison medicine between Eastern and Western, 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023, ポスターコンクール賞 (Mar.2023, Taipei.)

●2022年Suggestions for improving constipation from research on medicinal foods, 14th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2022, ポスターコンクール銅賞((Mar. 2022, Taipei on line)

●2022年Pueraria Decoction history from the viewpoint of Kudzu material medica, 14th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2022, ポスターコンクール銅賞((Mar. 2022, Taipei on line)

●2021年The Relationship with Coix Seed in Warts. 13th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2021, ポスターコンクール金賞((Mar. 2021, Taipei on line)




1. 李 宜融,本草学, 株式会社廣川鉄男事務所自然科学図書出版


1.  待講演、The Future Prospects of Japanese Kampo Medicine. 17th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2025. (Mar. 2025, Taipei)

2. 相澤 玲子,李 宜融,浅井 将;漢方治療於牙科療効之臨床病例報告,第17回台北国際中医薬学術フォーラム,3月,台湾台北 (2025)

3. 榎本 有里,鍾 慧于,李 鵬遠,荘 正宇,陳 大真,邱 柏萱,李 宜融,陳 崇鈺,陳 福士;半夏百朮天麻湯による酸素濃度依存性の調整と低酸素適応における潜在的応用,日本薬学会第145年会,3月,福岡(2025)

4. 招待講演、漢方化粧品の新たな可能性について(New Possibilities of Kampo Cosmetics),2024年国際コスメティック科学技術シンポジウムおよび技術交流展示会 (International Cosmetic-Tech Conference & Exhibition),11月,台湾台中 (2024)

5. 総合司会・座長,第56回日本漢方交流会国際学術総会福岡大会,11月,福岡(Zoom) (2023).

6. 高橋和貴,李 宜融,物忘れの食養生~「安神益智類」の薬膳方,第66回日本薬学会関東支部大学, 9月,横浜 (2022).

7. 中野美穂,李 宜融,関節症に対する東西治療法の接点,第66回日本薬学会関東支部大学, 9月,横浜 (2022).

8. 招待講演、The origin and current status of Japanese kampo medicine. 2022 International Conference on Medical History in East Asia. (Oct. 2022, Taipei. online).

9. 招待講演、Learning from the Tenpyo pandemic in Japan. 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023. (Mar.2023, Taipei.).

10. Proposal of oriental ingredients for sweat in psychosomatic disorders. M Aikou, IJ Lee, 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023, ポスターコンクール賞 (March.2023, Taipei.)

11. History of the Plague-World shudder at the horrors of the infection disease. M Inaji, IJ Lee, 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023, ポスターコンクール賞 (March.2023, Taipei.)

12. Comparison of Abortion in Edo and Modern times~ Then and now of “unintended pregnancy”. M Karasawa, IJ Lee, 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023, ポスターコンクール賞 (March.2023, Taipei.)

13. The importance of frankincense from history~Comparison medicine between Eastern and Western. H Sato, IJLee, 15th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2023, ポスターコンクール賞 (March.2023, Taipei.)

14. Pueraria Decoction history from the viewpoint of Kudzu material medica, Maho Endo, IJung Lee. 14th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2022, (Mar. 2021, Taipei on line). ポスターコンクール銅賞

15. Suggestions for improving constipation from research on medicinal foods, Rika Yamamoto, IJung Lee. 14th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2022, (Mar. 2021, Taipei on line). ポスターコンクール銅賞

16. COVID-19 curing method learned from knowledge of the Japanese Tenpyo epidemic, Yuki Konno, IJung Lee. 14th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2022, (Mar. 2021, Taipei on line).

17. Beauty method loved by Chinese Beauties, Asaka Mizuma, IJung Lee. 14th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2022, (Mar. 2021, Taipei on line).

18. The Relationship with Coix Seed in Warts. Misato Akiyama, IJung Lee, 13th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2021, (Mar. 2021, Taipei on line). ポスターコンクール金賞

19. Study on the medicinal cuisine of "Cold Sensitivity". Sayaka Deguchi, IJung Lee, 13th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2021, (Mar. 2021, Taipei on line).

20. Study on medicinal cuisine that improve male function. Haruki Ehara, IJung Lee, 13th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2021, (Mar. 2021, Taipei on line).

21. Drug history of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) in Okinawa. Yuri Wada, IJung Lee, 13th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2021, (Mar. 2021, Taipei on line).

22. 横浜薬科大学における国際化教育。梅原 薫、吉田 林、亀卦川真美、村田実希郎、北川康行、千葉康司、喩 静、金 成俊、李 宜融、定本清美、小笹 徹;日本薬学会関東支部大会。(2020、9月、東京)

23. 招待講演、古典文学から見る日本漢方。12th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2020. (Jul 2020, Taipei on line)

24. A study of “Jujube” from the The Dictionary of Chinese Medicated Diet. Shuichi Sahoda, Akinori Fujita, IJung Lee, 12th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2020. (Jul. 2020, Taipei on line)

25. The history of “Beni” in Japan - Consideration of “Beni” from the Manyoshu. Mao Morita, IJung Lee, 12th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2020. (Jul. 2020, Taipei on line)

26. Herbological Studies on the Three Kingdoms period - Three Kingdoms seen from Shennong’s Classic of Medica and Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases. Shuichiro Ishihara, IJung Lee, 12th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine
International Forum 2020. (Jul. 2020, Taipei on line)

27. Influence of water properties on the contents of aconitine-type diester alkaloids in the decoctions of unprocessed aconite root. Tsukasa Fueki, Koichiro Tanaka, Koki Chiba, Takao Namiki, I-Jung Lee, Toshiaki Makino. The 19th International Congress of Oriental Medicine. (2018.11.24-26. Taipei, Taiwan)

28. 講演、薬用植物からのパクチー考察、李宜融、第2回パクチーアカデミー協会学術会議。(2018.8.18. 東京)

29. Eriocauli Flos Sold in Taiwan Herbal Markets by Morphological and Chemical Analyses. IJ. Lee, Y. M. Chao, W. H. Hsu, Y. L. Lin. The 32th International Symposium on Natural Products. (2017.10.13-14. Taichung, Taiwan)

30. Survey of Commercially Available Eriocauli Flos in Taiwan Area. I-Jung Lee, Yen-Ming Chao, Yun-Lian Lin. The 31th Symposium on Natural Products. (2017.10.21-22. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.)

31. 四神湯を起源としたエキス剤による体臭成分の消臭作用に関する研究、後藤洋子, 小松千紘, 作田圭亮, 李宜融, 佐久間克也. 日本生薬学会第62回年会. (2015.9.11-12. 岐阜)

32. Flavone Glycosides from Commercial Available Lophatheri Herba in Taiwan and Their Quantitative Determinations. J. S Fan, IJ. Lee, Y. L. Lin. The 17th International Congress of Oriental Medicine. (2014.11. 1-3, Taipei, Taiwan.)

33. Anti-inflammatory Flavonoids and Lactams of Adlay Bran、Hong-Jhang Chen, Cheng-Pei Chung, I-Jung Lee,  Wenchang Chiang, Yun-Lian Lin. 日本薬学会第132年回(2012.3.28-30. 札幌)