日塔 武彰
Nitto Takeaki
1. 日塔武彰 ,瀬田有似子,山下真理,佐藤玲子,奥野義規,磯村茂樹,飯塚徹,高橋和彦,深井俊夫,武田収功.ラベンダー精油のストレス軽減効果に関する検討.日本アロマセラピー学会誌,16, 15-21, 2017.
2. Nitto T and Sawaki K. Molecular mechanisms of the antileukemia activities of retinoid and arsenic. J. Pharm. Sci., 126: 179-85, 2014.
3. Nitto T and Onodera K. The linkage between coenzyme A metabolism and inflammation: roles of pantetheinase. J. Pharm. Sci., 123, 1-8, 2013.
4. 小島 純、小川ともこ、加藤雄大、長谷川高志、岩田美代子、日塔武彰.小児患者に使われているプロプラノロール錠の粉砕品に対する苦味の抑制効果.Pharm. Tech. Jpn., 29, 99-103, 2013.
5. Araki Y, Nonaka D, Tajima A, Maruyama M, Nitto T, Ishikawa H, Yoshitake H, Yoshida E, Kuronaka N, Asada K, Yanagida M, Nojima M, Yoshida K, Takamori K, Hashiguchi T, Maruyama I, Lee LJ and Tanaka K. Quantitative peptidomic analysis by a newly developed one-step direct transfer technology without depletion of major blood proteins: Its potential utility for monitoring of pathophysiological status in pregnancy-induced hypertension. Proteomics 11, 2727-37, 2011.
6. Wang D, Hirase T, Nitto T, Soma M, Node K. Eicosapentaenoic acid increases cytochrome P-450 2J2 gene expression and epoxyeicosatrienoic acid production via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in endothelial cells. J. Cardiol. 54, 368-74, 2009.
7. Nishimura Y, Inoue T, Nitto T, Morooka T, Node K. Increased interleukine-13 levels in patients with chronic heart failure. Int. J. Cardiol. 131, 421-423, 2009
8. Nitto T, Inoue T, Node K. Alternative spliced variants in the pantetheinase family of genes expressed in human neutrophils. Gene, 426, 57-64, 2008.
9. Nakayama K, Nitto T, Inoue T, Node K. Expression of the cytochrome P450 epoxygenase CYP2J2 in human monocytic leukocytes. Life Sci. 83: 339-345, 2008
10. Nishimura Y., Nitto T, Inoue T, Node K. STAT6 mediates apoptosis of human coronary arterial endothelial cells by IL-13. Hypertens. Res. 31: 535-541, 2008
11. Nishimura Y., Nitto T, Inoue T, Node K. STAT6 mediates apoptosis of human coronary arterial endothelial cells by IL-13. Hypertens. Res. 31: 535-541, 2008
12. Nitto T, Takeda Y, Yoshitake H, Sendo F, Araki Y. Structural divergence of GPI-80 in activated human neutrophils. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 359:227-233, 2007
13. Nitto T, Dyer KD, Czapiga M, Rosenberg HF. Evolution and function of leukocyte RNase A ribonucleases of the avian species, Gallus gallus. J. Biol. Chem., 281: 25622-34, 2006.
1. 日塔武彰:わかりやすい疾患と処方薬の解説-病態・薬物治療編-,(「わかりやすい疾患と処方薬の解説」編集企画委員会 編集),第13章 皮膚疾患p442-483, アークメディア社,2018.
2. 日塔武彰:新薬の効くプロセス 改訂2版,(出雲信夫,日塔武彰 編集),第3章 自律神経に作用する薬p37-67,第6章 抗炎症薬p154-p177,第7章 免疫・炎症・アレルギー疾患の薬p178-197,第10章 血液・造血器系疾患の薬p266-293,第12章 呼吸器系疾患の薬p316-331,第15章 内分泌系疾患の薬p396-423,ネオメディカル社,2017.
3. 日塔武彰:あたらしい疾病薬学(澤木康平,篠塚達雄,弓田長彦,松田佳和,小佐野博史,重山昌人編集)4.1循環器系疾患の薬,病態,治療p123-156,テコム出版, 2016.
4. Takeaki Nitto: CHAPTER 41 Pantetheine and Pantetheinase: From Energy Metabolism to Immunity, Food and Nutritional Components in Focus No. 4, B Vitamins and Folate: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects (Edited by Victor R Preedy), p685-698, RSC Publishing, 2013.