田邉 由幸
Tanabe Yoshiyuki
臨床薬学科/薬理学研究室 (教授)
1. Tanabe Y, Saito TM, Nakayama K. Mechanical Stretching and Signaling Pathways in Adipogenesis. Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterial. 16:35-62, 2015.
2. Nakayama K, Tanabe Y Obara K, Ishikawa T. Mechanosensitivity of pancreatic b-cells, adipocytes, and skeletal muscle cells: the therapeutic targets of metabolic syndrome. Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues: Mechanically Gated Channels and their Regulation 6: 379-404, 2012.
3. 松浦 誠、前田智司、関 安孝、杉山晶規、田邉由幸、藤原邦彦、那谷耕司、高橋勝雄 情報コミュニケーション技術を取り入れた実務実習支援の試み. 医薬品相互作用研究 36: 13-19, 2012.
4. Tanabe Y, Saito TM, Morikawa Y, Kamataki A, Sawai T, Nakayama K. Role of Secretory Phospholipase A2 in Rhythmic Contraction of Pulmonary Arteries of Rats with Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 119: 271-281, 2012.
5. Tanabe Y, Saito M, Morikawa Y, Kamataki A, Sawai T, Hirose M, Nakayama K.
Inhibition of untransformed PGH2-production and stretch-induced contraction of rabbit pulmonary arteries by indoxam, a selective sPLA2 inhibitor. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 115: 525-531, 2011.
6. Hara Y, Wakino S, Tanabe Y, Saito M, Tokuyama H, Washida N, Tatematsu S, Yoshioka K, Homma K, Hasegawa K, Minakuchi H, Fujimura K, Hosoya K, Hayashi K, Nakayama K, Itoh H. Rho and rho-kinase activity in adipocytes contributes to a vicious cycle in obesity that may involve mechanical stretch. Science Signaling 4: ra3, 2011.
7. Tanabe Y, Matsunaga Y, Saito M, Nakayama K. Involvement of cyclooxygenase-2 in synergistic effect of cyclic stretching and eicosapentaenoic acid on adipocyte differentiation. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 106: 478-484, 2008.
8. Tanabe Y, Morikawa Y, Kato T, Kanai S, Watakabe T, Nishijima A, Iwata H, Isobe K, Ishizaki M, Nakayama K. Effects of olmesartan, an AT1 receptor antagonist, on hypoxia-induced activation of ERK1/2 and pro-inflammatory signals in the mouse lung. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 374: 235-248, 2006.
9. Ito Y, Obara K, Ikeda R, Ishii M, Tanabe Y, Ishikawa T, Nakayama K. Passive stretching produces Akt- and MAPK-dependent augmentations of GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake in skeletal muscles of mice. Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 451: 803-813, 2006.
10. Tanabe Y, Koga M, Saito M, Matsunaga Y, Nakayama K. Inhibition of adipocyte differentiation by mechanical stretching through ERK-mediated down-regulation of PPARg2. Journal of Cell Science 117: 3605-3614, 2004.
11. Nakayama K, Obara K, Tanabe Y, Ishikawa T. 20-hydroxyeicosateraenoic acid potentiates contractile activation of canine basilar artery in response to stretch via protein kinase C alpha-mediated inhibition of calcium-activated potassium channel. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 538: 411-416, 2003.
12. Nakayama K, Obara K, Tanabe Y, Saito M, Ishikawa T, Nishizawa S. Interactive role for tyrosine kinase, protein kinase C, and Rho/Rho kinase systems in the mechanotransduction of vascular smooth muscles. Biorheology 40: 307-314, 2003.
13. Saito M, Tanabe Y, Kudo I, Nakayama K. Endothelium-derived prostaglandin H2 evokes the stretch-induced contraction of rabbit pulmonary artery. European Journal of Pharmacology 467: 151-161, 2003.
14. Tanabe Y, Saito M, Ueno A, Nakamura M, Takeishi K, Nakayama K. Mechanical stretch augments PDGF receptor b expression and protein tyrosine phosphorylation in pulmonary artery tissue and smooth muscle cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 215: 103-113, 2000.
15. Obara K, Koide M, Ishikawa T, Tanabe Y, Nakayama K. Protein kinase Cd but not protein kinase Ce activity is involved in contractile potentiation by endothelin-1 in the porcine coronary artery. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 36: S120-121, 2000.
16. Kimura M, Obara K, Sasase T, Ishikawa T, Tanabe Y, Nakayama K. Specific inhibition of stretch-induced increase in L-type calcium channel currents by herbimycin A in canine basilar arterial myocytes. British Journal of Pharmacology 130: 923-931, 2000.
17. Masumoto N, Tanabe Y, Saito M, Nakayama K. Attenuation of pressure induced myogenic contraction and tyrosine phosphorylation by fasudil, a cerebral vasodilator, in rat cerebral artery. British Journal of Pharmacology 130: 219-230, 2000.
カラー版 ラング・デール薬理学 日本語版 (原著タイトル Rang and Dale's Pharmacology, sixth edition)(監訳)樋口宗史、前山一隆(訳)石塚俊晶、岩尾洋、牛首文隆、越前宏俊、片岡泰文、上﨑善規、小山豊、櫻井栄一、平英一、田辺由幸、谷浦秀夫、中木敏夫、中山貢一、橋本敬太郎、服部裕一、平藤雅彦、福井裕行、藤田典久、藤本正文、堀尾嘉幸、村瀬真一、谷内一彦、山田充彦、吉岡充弘、米原典史 平成23年7月 初版 ISBN978-4-89013-411-3(全815ページ) 第III部主要器官への薬の効果 27章・肥満 pp400-410